Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Proposed amendment for taxation of ESI costs

The Florida Bar's Civil Procedure Rules Standing Committee is inviting comments on its proposed three-year cycle amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Included in these is an amendment to the Uniform Guidelines for the Taxation of Costs to include electronically stored information or ESI, as has been previously proposed and incorporated into existing language for purposes of bringing electronic discovery rules still absent in Florida's Rules of Civil Procedure.
Uniform Guidelines on Taxation of Costs28-0-1Adds provisions for taxation of costs for discovery of electronically stored information.
The number above signifies the vote of committee members. A full text of the proposals can be found on The Florida Bar’s website at Interested persons have until August 1, 2012, to submit comments to the committee chair, Hon. Richard Nielsen, and to the Bar staff liaison, Ellen Sloyer, at esloyer@flabar.orgSee The Florida Bar News notice here: